The Buffalo Boss

Out here in the bush, we don’t take ‘the bull by the horns’, we take ‘the buffalo by the boss’. Not literally, of course! That would be a death sentence, which many a lion has experienced when taking on a buffalo. This beast charged its way into Africa’s iconic Big 5 because of its size, […]
5 Fantastic Wildlife Sightings at Rhino River Lodge

One of my favourite questions to ask a game ranger is “What has been your favourite wildlife sighting so far?” After all, surely they’d have some epic stories to tell after spending several hours out in the bush each day. However, to my dismay, the rangers often come up blank. It’s not that they haven’t […]
The ‘Big 5’ tips for great wildlife photography

In recent years, wildlife photography has seen a massive growth in popularity. DLSR cameras are now readily available, reasonably priced and user-friendly. However, as ‘easy’ as cameras are to use these days, we’ve all had those moments when you take a photo of something beautiful and the result just isn’t what you imagined or doesn’t […]
Guest Experience Highlight: Alison Langevad

Recently photographer, Alison Langevad paid us a visit at Rhino River Lodge. Here she shares with us some of the stunning photos that she captured during her stay with us. We asked Alison to tell us a little bit about her photography: “I enjoy both sport and wildlife photography. I first became interested in wildlife […]
Guest Experience Highlight: Terry Lewis

Terry and his wife recently came to spend a night with us at Rhino River Lodge. He captured our attention when he posted the lovely photos he took during his stay to Facebook. We thought we would take the opportunity to share some of those photos with you along with a little bit of their […]
What’s cuter than a lion cub? 5 lion cubs!

Written by Claire Birtwhistle Guests at Rhino River Lodge were recently treated to the most adorable sighting of five cubs and two lionesses in the Zululand Rhino Reserve. The reserve has a small population of 13 lions, making a sighting like this not only incredibly cute but also quite rare and special. Claire was one […]
Meet the wild dogs at Rhino River Lodge

Written by Georgina Lockwood Feeling very Thelma and Louise, a friend and I had set off from Durban for a two-night stay at the stunning Rhino River Lodge in Zululand. The drive down was a piece of cake as we stopped to buy pineapples and Zulu beads along the way, admiring Zululand’s signature Nguni cows […]
Lions Learning to Hunt

Written by Shannon Airton and Heidi Watson For a lion, learning to hunt is one of the most important skills that it will ever acquire. In the early days hunting is a combination of instinct, observation, and practice for young lions. Wildlife photographer Heidi Watson was on a game drive at Rhino River Lodge when […]
The beauty of birds

Written by Shannon Airton On an African safari most people are focused on the wildlife. And rightfully so, as Africa boasts some of the most impressive animals in the world. But, if you pause for a minute and look beyond the beasts, you will find another layer of beauty in the African bush. The […]
Vultures pull rank in the Zululand Bush

The trees were heavily laden with vultures, like balloons at a party. Everywhere we looked they stared down at us, eager eyes, menacing grins, perched ready and waiting. White-backed vultures crowded the low branches of the acacia tree, anticipating the feast that was soon to come. “There must be a kill around here somewhere guys, […]