Supper Snacks

On the sundowner drive yesterday we caught up with our three “big boys”, the male lions. I had four guests in the car, and as the first fellow ambled along the clicking of camera shutters increased markedly. Lion #1 was followed by # 2 and a little later by #3, and they were quite content […]
A Rangers Perspective – The Leopard Sighting That Never Happened
Why is is that the best sightings always happen when you are alone and there are no witnesses? When new guests are about to experience a game drive with us for the first time, we have a little chat to our guests while everyone is on the vehicle and we let them know what the […]
Rangers Report – September 2010
So last month ended with a fantastic sighting of a Leopard with an Impala carcass. We were truly spoilt with that sighting and we really couldn’t have asked for anything more, but Mother Nature had another surprise in store for us… With the traversing that we are doing across Zululand Rhino Reserve, all the rangers […]
Rangers Report – August
What a fantastic month for sightings it’s been! The White Rhino have been plentiful, but we are still hoping for those elusive Black Rhino to make themselves seen. Isaac had a sighting of a young black rhino who was previously quite a common sight with us here at Rhino River. It seems like he is […]