Lions abound at Rhino River Lodge

Written by Claire Birtwhistle Dashing up a dusty road in the Zululand Rhino Reserve, none of us minded the bumpy ride as our guide, Kyle, had promised us a lion sighting. It had been a slow start to the morning drive and when we heard that there was a pride of lions not too far, we […]
What’s cuter than a lion cub? 5 lion cubs!

Written by Claire Birtwhistle Guests at Rhino River Lodge were recently treated to the most adorable sighting of five cubs and two lionesses in the Zululand Rhino Reserve. The reserve has a small population of 13 lions, making a sighting like this not only incredibly cute but also quite rare and special. Claire was one […]
Lions Learning to Hunt

Written by Shannon Airton and Heidi Watson For a lion, learning to hunt is one of the most important skills that it will ever acquire. In the early days hunting is a combination of instinct, observation, and practice for young lions. Wildlife photographer Heidi Watson was on a game drive at Rhino River Lodge when […]
Our Guests Love Our Lions
Guests love lions. They love to look at them, photograph them, and tell everyone how close they got to them. Guests love lions. Except possibly the guests from this weekend. New to game reserves, the couple were happy to have ranger Frances take them reasonably close to a male who was relaxing. However the male woke […]
Supper Snacks

On the sundowner drive yesterday we caught up with our three “big boys”, the male lions. I had four guests in the car, and as the first fellow ambled along the clicking of camera shutters increased markedly. Lion #1 was followed by # 2 and a little later by #3, and they were quite content […]
The BIG 5… We have them!
On the 1st of July 2011, Zululand Rhino Reserve officially became a Big 5 reserve with the introduction of 3 male lions. An historical day for conservation, returning lions to an area that they previously inhabited. The 3 young males have been in a boma at Phinda Game Reserve for the last couple of weeks, […]